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Real Results with Medically Assisted Weight Loss in Dexter

Tired of not feeling like your best self?

If you feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING to lose weight and still haven’t seen the results you want, don’t give up yet. Our Medically Assisted Weight Loss program addresses all of the issues that are keeping you from loving every inch of your body. Because weight loss is never just about the scale, it’s about how you feel and there could be a number of factors that don’t have to do with just diet and exercise impacting you. Helping people lose weight is not new to us… We have been helping people release unwanted weight for over 12 years!


Our Unique Approach to Medically Assisted Weight Loss

Medically assisted weight loss programs have become increasingly popular in recent years as individuals seek effective and sustainable solutions to achieve their weight loss goals. At Becking Wellness, we offer a comprehensive and personalized approach to weight management that combines medical expertise with proven strategies to help our clients achieve long-lasting results by looking at the WHOLE HUMAN. Our medically assisted weight loss program is designed to address the unique needs and challenges of each individual, providing a supportive and empowering environment for success.

Medically assisted weight loss programs have become increasingly popular in recent years as individuals seek effective and sustainable solutions to achieve their weight loss goals. At Becking Wellness, we offer a comprehensive and personalized approach to weight management that combines medical expertise with proven strategies to help our clients achieve long-lasting results by looking at the WHOLE HUMAN. Our medically assisted weight loss program is designed to address the unique needs and challenges of each individual, providing a supportive and empowering environment for success.



Our medically assisted weight loss program begins with a comprehensive assessment to evaluate your overall health, medical history, and weight loss goals. This assessment may include blood tests, body composition analysis, and other diagnostic tests to identify any underlying health issues that may be affecting weight loss. Based on this assessment, our team develops a customized weight loss plan that may include a combination of medical interventions, dietary changes, exercise routines, and behavioral therapy to help you achieve your goals.

Community Support

Achieving and maintaining weight loss requires more than just changes to diet and exercise – it also requires a shift in mindset and behavior. Our team provides ongoing support, accountability, and encouragement to help clients stay motivated and on track, celebrating their successes and helping them navigate challenges along the way.

The First Step Towards A Healthier You

If you're ready to take control of your weight and improve your health, consider enrolling in our medically assisted weight loss program at Becking Wellness. Our team of healthcare professionals is here to support you every step of the way, providing the guidance, resources, and encouragement needed to achieve your weight loss goals. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how our program can help you transform your life through medically assisted weight loss.

Rebekah's Weight Loss Story:

"Thank you for helping and supporting me getting to where I am now. My journey so far has already put me in a place of feeling more confident, capable and strong in every way. While I still have goals I want to reach, I know I can and will achieve them. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! I only wish I was closer so I could come in and hug both of your necks. I'm feeling so strong and empowered. I know I have come sooooo far yet I feel like this is just the beginning. I am so much healthier and getting stronger every day. I cannot express enough, how much better I just feel in my skin. The non-scale victories like being able to wear clothes I haven't worn in a couple years, and feeling good in them. Or being able to cross my legs comfortably, or having 6 inches of slack in my seatbelt pull on an airplane, when before I almost couldn't buckle it at it's loosest. Those are the things I love. Thank you again and again. I saw the illustration of someone holding like a 50lb bag of dog food to show how much weight they used to be carrying and it hit HARD!!! Such a clear visual to back up my statement of just how much better I feel and in every way possible. Sitting, standing, laying, walking......I was soooo miserable. And now I'm crying. Thank you!!!!!!!"
Rebekah Fuentes

All About Semaglutide and Tirzepatide

These two powerhouse medications are revolutionizing the way we approach weight management and are staples of our proven medically assisted weight loss program. 

How do they work?

Semaglutide is designed to mimic GLP-1 while Tirzepatide mimics both GIP and GLP-1 receptors. This in turn helps to regulate appetite and calorie intake. This leads to a significant decrease in weight over time as patients are consuming less calories per day. The revolutionary part of these treatments is that patients are not hungry or feel as if they are "dieting." The goal long-term is that it helps patients create better dietary habits.


This incredible medication works wonders by mimicking a hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). By targeting specific areas of the brain that regulate appetite and food intake, Semaglutide can help control and reduce your appetite, making the process of shedding those extra pounds way more comfortable and sustainable. Imagine experiencing up to 15% weight loss, decreased hunger, reduced meal sizes, increased satiety, and all with the help of Semaglutide resetting your insulin and leptin receptors. It's like having a supportive weight loss buddy by your side, guiding you every step of the way.


A game-changer in the world of weight management. This powerhouse medication is a dual glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist, meaning it activates both of these receptors in your body. By triggering the release of insulin from your pancreas and blocking the hormone glucagon, Tirzepatide effectively controls your blood sugar levels, especially after meals. But wait, there’s more – Tirzepatide also works its magic on certain brain chemicals, reducing food intake, increasing energy expenditure, and preventing abnormal fat accumulation in your body. The result? Significant weight reductions, improved well-being, increased libido, deeper sleep, refined skin tone, stronger hair and nails, and even enhanced muscle strength and endurance.

Frequently Asked Questions About Weight Loss Injections

What are weight loss injections?

Weight loss injections are once-a-week subcutaneous injections that contain medication mimicking natural hormones in the body. These hormones help control blood sugar levels, slow down the digestive system, and signal feelings of fullness.

Clinical studies have shown that the average person can lose around 15% of their body weight after one year of taking the medication. For the average patient, this translates to a weight loss of approximately 24-36 pounds.

Weight loss injections work by mimicking a hormone called GLP-1, which helps regulate appetite and blood sugar levels. By activating these hormones, the medication reduces hunger, increases feelings of fullness, and makes it easier to adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Additionally, the injections help the body become more sensitive to insulin, enhancing the body’s ability to utilize fat for energy.

Our weight loss medication requires a weekly injection that can be self-administered at home. Our medical professionals can guide you on how to administer the injection. If you prefer, you can also visit our clinic for assistance with the injection. We are committed to supporting you throughout your weight loss journey.